RYA Yachtmaster Theory
An advanced six-day navigation course, this is aimed at those who have already completed the Day Skipper theory course or are of equivalent standard. The course will give students the skills required to successfully navigate a vessel on coastal or offshore passages by day and night.
The syllabus is designed to take your theory knowledge to the standard required for sitting the Advanced CoC, Yachtmaster Coastal and Yachtmaster Offshore practical exams, concentrating on advanced navigation and meteorology skills.
Assessment includes: chartwork assessment; collision regulations; passage making
6 day course £495pp
We also offer Yachtmaster Ocean theory - click here for details
Given our commitment to keep prices as low as possible, in the current economic climate we reserve the right to cancel & reschedule any course which is not fully booked
Course Syllabus
Understand dead reckoning and estimated position
Understand satellite-derived position
Use of waypoints
Radar fixes
Techniques of visual fixing
Understand fixes using a mixture of position lines
Relative accuracy of different methods of position lines
Understand areas of uncertainty
The magnetic compass
Allowance for variation
Understand change of variation with time and variation
Understand causes of deviation
Swing for deviation (but not correction)
Allowance for deviation
Different types of compass
Causes of tides -spring and neaps
Tide tables - sources
Tidal levels and datum
Standard and secondary ports
Tidal anomalies
Tidal Streams
Sources of tidal information
Tidal stream information in sailing directions and yachtmen's alamanacs
Allowance for tidal stream in computing a course to steer
Tide rips, overfalls and races etc
IALA system buoyage in Region A
Limitations of buoys in navigation aids
Understand characteristics
Ranges - visual, luminous and nominal
Rising and dipping distances
Light lists
Harbour regulations and control signals
Methods of pre-planning
Clearing lines
Use of soundings
Transits and leading lines
GPS and Chart Plotters
Priniples of operation and limitations of use
Raster and vector charts
Understand datum
Importance of confirmation of position by an independent source and keeping a sperate record of position
Importance of paper charts
Echo sounders
Principles of operation and limitations of use
Logs (speed and distance measuring)
Principles of operation and limitation of use
Deck Log
Importance of log as yachts official document
Layout of log, hourly and occasional entries
Pre Requisites
Knowledge to the level of Day Skipper Theory
Whats Included
6 Days of Training in our Classroom
Access to our student resource website
Note Pad & Pen
Tea, Coffee & Refreshments
Yachtmaster Theory Course Pack
Training Almanac
Use of Dividers & Plotters for the course.
Course Dates
Contact us if dates are unsuitable, or no dates are showing